Help for stores
It is necessary to fill out the catalog qualitatively and issue product cards. A wide product range and a competent logistics scheme will not help if buyers cannot find products or their descriptions are incomplete or not accurate.
1. Write the maximum information about goods and services
You can keep the buyer on the site with the help of a full-fledged product card, which includes photos from various angles, detailed characteristics and an exhaustive description. However, many sites are limited to one a picture of the products and a couple of sentences in the description. As a result, without finding the necessary information about the product, users leave the resource.
In other words, by opening the product card, the visitor must find answers to any questions and understand how a particular product differs from analogues.
1.1 Photo Requirements
What we do not allow to be published
- Blurry photo
- A dark or cloudy photo of poor quality
- The product merges with the background
- Bad background (home decorations, curtains, tulle, etc.)
- Low quality product
- It's hard to see what you're selling in the photo
All photos should be square. the recommended size is from 250x250px to 800x800px. JPG format. The name is in Latin with a small letter. It is allowed to use "-", "_" and numbers, for example, dezodorant56_78.jpg All photos must be formatted for web. dpi72
We consider all photos individually. Perfect job:
- Clear photo.
- Light background.
- Good background.
- Good light.
- A small object nearby, for a more convenient visual perception of the size.
If you have two photos . we recommend downloading the best one. if a product or service requires you to show the product from different sides, upload it, you can upload photos to online resources in the product description to issue their output. You can also add a video in the description. If you have any questions about this, please contact us.
1.2 Description requirements.
We are not a banal bulletin board. where you can briefly write "I sell curtains". Describe your product or service as much as possible from all sides. You can add videos and photos with text where you describe the production in detail. The description should be unique. If your description is the same for all products, then this is one product. Use the options in this case. For example, blue curtains, red curtains - it is better to do it with one product. and make the color as an option.
2. Write about your company
Your task in the description on the page of your store is to show your company from different sides. People are different. And there are people who think in numbers. For example, they evaluate the company financially. And someone does not think financially at all and does not evaluate in terms of numbers, but looks at the location of the office, equipment, fleet, etc. (infrastructure assessment). Or evaluate who works in the organization. or the geography of work. etc.
We have identified several areas from which you can describe your company. And we strongly recommend it to you stick to this list. If possible, take into account all directions and paint in full. And what you sell will be so below in the product cards.
Directions in which you can describe yourself or your company: money, technology and knowledge, events, projects and cases, geography, past and future, physics. property, companies, people.
3. Think over information models
Place the product on separate pages with maximum detail by characteristics (options and attributes). For example, type, color, weight, size, configuration - the combination of these parameters is called an information model (IM). For each type of goods, information models must be different, because it is impossible to fully describe goods and services with one set of characteristics. This applies to any goods and services. starting from the production of plastic blue buckets to the production of milk.
So, for example, IM milk from dairy products contains from 25 groups of characteristics:
Type of milk: Mare, Goat, Coconut, Cow, Almond, Sheep, Donkey, Soy
Type of milk: Lactose-free, Reconstituted, Classic, Low-Lactose, Enriched, Selected, Separated, Melted, Whole,
Fat content of milk: 0,5%, 1,5%, 2,5%, 3,2%, 3,5%, Fat-Free, Over 3.5%
Type of milk processing: Boiled, Normalized, Pasteurized, Sterilized, Raw, Ultra- Pasteurized
Milk grade: first, second, highest
Milking method: machine milking, manual milking
Milk condition: chilled milk, fresh milk
Availability of powdered milk: with or without the addition of powdered milk
Milk quality parameters are also important, each of which has from 2 to 10 options:
color of milk, viscosity of liquid, presence of foreign taste, presence of foreign smell, presence of stray lumps of fat, presence of protein flakes, uniformity of liquid, density of milk, taste of milk, uniformity of color, content protein, somatic cell content, fluid viscosity, bacterial contamination level, acidity level, milk liquid transparency.
All these parameters are important. For example, cheesemakers. They pay attention to protein, fat, tank.obsemennost. You can also add to the parameters how the cow was kept. what she was fed: silage, haylage, hay, straw.
Or let's say you produce bread? The bread image contains more than 34 groups of characteristics
Bread main parameters: with additives, without additives
Additives: cereals, nuts, bran, seeds, seeds, dried fruits
Type of dough: yeast-free, yeast-free, pastry, puff pastry
Type of bread: yeast-free, white, mixed type, buckwheat, grain, sprouted grain, corn, bran, wheat, rye, whole grain, black
Bread recipe: simple, rich, improved.
Method of realization of bread: loose, cut, piece
Type of flour: pancake, pasta, mixed flour, general purpose, universal, bakery
Quality Parameters:
the taste of bread crumb stickiness, the presence of brewed lumps of lubrication, the presence of large explosions, the presence of Marinetti, the presence of cuts on the surface, the presence of off-taste, signs of disease, the presence of topography on surface, the presence of traces of mold, the porosity of the bread crumbs, the characteristic appearance of this type, the elasticity of the crumb, the crumb moisture content, the presence of beleavinti
the presence of lumps, the presence of large cracks, the presence of mealyness, the presence of punctures on the surface, the presence of extraneous odour, the presence of bubbles, the presence of traces of non-kneading, the presence of a seam, the baking of the product, the shape of bread, the color of bread.
Many of the characteristics of IM can be not only attributes, but also options. For example, fragrance in oxygen cylinders: mint, lavender, bergamot, etc. And some other additional parameters. They can be mandatory to choose or not. They may have an additional margin or its reduction in the basic price.
When filling out the product/service card, be sure to pay attention to the attributes and options tabs. If necessary there are no parameters there, you can always discuss their addition with the administration.
Some of the specified parameters will be displayed with the filter when visiting the category.
4. Blog
There is a blog on the platform. you can send an article about a new product, promotion, event to the blog, or just you want tell about your organization. We will publish this material. and we can also link this article to your products. that is, the article will be recommended for reading when visiting the product card and symmetrically being in the blog, reading the recommended products for this article will be displayed.